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International Conference Of Business Economics, Entreprenuers, and Social Sciences (ICBEESS)

The development of science in this era of openness is very important. The challenge of developing human resources is a challenge for various kinds of stakeholders, therefore the need for human resource development is very crucial. Responding to the challenges of developing human resources, as higher education institutions, it is imperative to produce competent human resources.

International Seminar is an opportunity provided by tertiary institutions to produce human resources, namely students and lecturers, who are more competent by presenting panelists who can provide stimulants both in terms of theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. The International Seminar is expected to be one of the benchmarks for university performance in advancing its human resources. On this occasion, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik has the opportunity to present the International Seminar with the theme “THE RISE OF HALAL INDUSTRY, SUSTAINABILITY, AND GREEN ECONOMY IN INDONESIA”.

The Seminar will be followed by a series of article presentation activities with the disciplines; (1) Marketing Management, (2) Financial Management, (3) Operational Management, (4) Human Resource Management, (5) Strategic Management, (6) Systems Management Information, (7) Tax Accounting, (8) Audit, (9) Sharia Accounting, (10) Public Sector Accounting, (11) Financial Accounting, (12) Management Accounting, (13) Accounting Information Systems, (14) Entrepreneurship, and (15) Social Science. The series of activities at this International Seminar are followed by a series of paper presentation (parallel session). This activity is a form of scientific event intended for academics which includes students, educators, and practitioners to present the results of their scientific research in this scientific forum.

It is hoped that the series of activities organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik, will be able to become a scientific forum capable of supporting the creation of competent human resources, both theoretically and practically to contribute to future progress.

  • International Conference Of Business Economics, Entreprenuers & Social Sciences (ICBEESS) 2024

    August 1, 2024 – August 2, 2024

    The development of science in this era of openness is very important. The challenge of developing human resources is a challenge for various kinds of stakeholders, therefore the need for human resource development is very crucial. Responding to the challenges of developing human resources, as higher education institutions, it is imperative to produce competent human resources.

    International Seminar is an opportunity provided by tertiary institutions to produce human resources, namely students and lecturers, who are more competent by presenting panelists who can provide stimulants both in terms of theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. The International Seminar is expected to be one of the benchmarks for university performance in advancing its human resources. On this occasion, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik has the opportunity to present the International Seminar with the theme “THE RISE OF HALAL INDUSTRY, SUSTAINABILITY, AND GREEN ECONOMY IN INDONESIA”.

    The Seminar will be followed by a series of article presentation activities with the disciplines; (1) Marketing Management, (2) Financial Management, (3) Operational Management, (4) Human Resource Management, (5) Strategic Management, (6) Systems Management Information, (7) Tax Accounting, (8) Audit, (9) Sharia Accounting, (10) Public Sector Accounting, (11) Financial Accounting, (12) Management Accounting, (13) Accounting Information Systems, (14) Entrepreneurship, and (15) Social Science. The series of activities at this International Seminar are followed by a series of paper presentation (parallel session). This activity is a form of scientific event intended for academics which includes students, educators, and practitioners to present the results of their scientific research in this scientific forum.

    It is hoped that the series of activities organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik, will be able to become a scientific forum capable of supporting the creation of competent human resources, both theoretically and practically to contribute to future progress.

The 14th International Conference on Lesson Study (ICLS) & 4th International Conference on Learning Improvement (ICLIm)

Lesson Study in Theory and Practices, School Improvement and Digital Pedagogy, Digital Learning and Digital Pedagogy, Lesson Analyses and Transcript Based Lesson Analyses (TBLA), Science Technology - Engineering - Mathematics (STEM) Learning Leadership, Lesson Study and Learning Community, School - University Partnership in Learning Improvement, School and Learning Progression in Pandemic Situation , Blended and Hybrid Learning in New Normal

  • The 14th International Conference on Lesson Study (ICLS) & 4th International Conference on Learning Improvement (ICLIm)

    September 8, 2023 – September 11, 2023

    About Indonesian Association of Lesson Study

    Lesson study is a specific activity system of inquiring teaching and learning conducted collaboratively and continuously by teachers along with other educators and school leaders. The primary aim of Lesson Study is to improve the quality of lesson within the realm of upbringing children in educational settings.

    The term ‘Lesson Study’ comes from Japanese, “Jugyo Kenkyu”, from which its development in Indonesia was introduced by Japanese experts through technical cooperation programs between Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and three leading teacher education institutions (TEIs): Indonesia University of Education (UPI), State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) dan State University of Malang (UM).

    First, the Indonesian Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Project (IMSTEP) (1998-2003) focused on institutional capacity building by developing and reinforcing the pre-service and in-service curriculum and program. It aimed at establishing valuable partnership and collaboration between faculty and schools “Through Piloting Activity”, the faculty members worked with practicing teachers by means of inquiring teaching and learning systematically. The phases of Piloting Activity then become the origin of the cycle of Lesson Study.

    Second, the Follow Up of IMSTEP (2003-2005) intended to develop an integrated model for pre-service, in-service, and on-service teacher education and development by means of introducing the underlying principles of Lesson Study: reflective practice; problem-based and experience-sharing approaches; and collegiality and collaborative works intended to grasp the nature of learning.

    Third, the Strengthening of In-Service Teacher Training of Mathematics and Science Education Project (SISTTEMS) (2006-2008) aimed to promote school as a learning community and empower the networks of educators. In this period, each teacher education institution worked closely with its partnering district, schools and group of teachers, particularly through subject teacher groups, known as Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP). This phase marked an attempt of educational reform at district scale by means of implementing Lesson Study.

    Fourth, Program for Enhancing Quality of Junior Secondary Education (PELITA) (2008-2013) that introduced informal network of educators through Lesson Study Club (LSC) and emphasized the strategy of sustainability played strategically by educational leaders. This phase underlined the importance of the strategic partnership as to build professional learning community.

    The development of Lesson Study in Indonesia has capitalized the notion of learning community: it serves not only as an approach to professional development, but also as an approach to the establishment of networked-learning in the education sector. It has also shown the importance of inter-stakeholders’ collaboration for strategic partnership to improve teaching and learning. Therefore, the subsequent national projects have infused Lesson Study into their program such as BERMUTU (Better Education Through Reformed Management and Universal Teacher Upgrading); PIGP (Induction Program for Novice Teacher or Program Induksi Guru Pemula); and LEDIPSTI (Lesson Study Dissemination Program for Strengthening Teacher Education in Indonesia).

    Although Lesson Study is now wide-spreading, there are possible deviating practices from its underlying principles. Having observed various trainings, seminars, or workshops claiming of ‘practicing’ Lesson Study, it is likely that current discourse on such practices touches Lesson Study only in the surface. Indeed, it is possible to contextualize Lesson Study into various settings. However, many Lesson Study activists began to realize how to anticipate the diversity of Lesson Study practices. They urged to establish a network that can be a medium for exchanging and sharing experience, and to guide the dissemination of Lesson Study in Indonesia.

    Eventually, an idea to establish such a network was presented in a meeting attended by 30 representatives from teacher education institutions that received Lesson Study block-grant. The meeting was held amid the 4th National Seminar on Lesson Study Seminar at FMIPA of Universitas Negeri Malang, on November 12, 2012. At that time, the delegates agreed to establish Indonesian Association of Lesson Study (IALS) intended as medium for educational practitioners in Indonesia -from teachers, lecturers, principals, supervisors, trainers to leaders of education offices- to exchange information, experience, and best practices of Lesson Study in order to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Therefore, anyone, both members and non-members of IALS, can utilize IALS to consult and to ask for advices about how to develop Lesson Study practice, so that the activity can run fruitfully, effectively and sustainably.

    The establishment of IALS was started by setting a formatting team, consisted of 7 representatives from teacher education institutions, especially the ones located in Java Island. It was done so that the formatting team could immediately hold a meeting to establish and to prepare the organizational apparatus and to plan a meeting to establish the organizing members. Unanimously, the meeting decided to appoint Dr. Istamar Syamsuri, M.Pd and Dr. Ibrohim, M.Si (FMIPA of UM) to be the Head and General Secretary of IALS for 2012–2013 periods, and set FMIPA of UM as the joint secretariat of IALS.


Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik secara berkala (Annualy) Menyelenggarakan Seminar Nasional Ekonomi, Kewirausahaan, Bisnis, Dan Ilmu Sosial (SNEKBIS) dan Call For Paper

Pada tiap tahunnya rangkaian SNEKBIS akan mengusung tema berbeda yang sedang “tune-in” pada tahun pelaksanaan, sehingga audience seminar dan presenter call paper dapat berpartiispasi dalam rangkaian tema tersebut

Seminar Nasional dan Call for Paper tersebut akan diikuti dengan serangkaian kegiatan presentasi artikel dengan ruang lingkup (1) Manajemen Pemasaran, (2) Manajemen Keuangan, (3) Manajemen Operasional, (4) Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, (5) Manajemen Strategi, (6) Sistem Informasi Manajemen, (7) Akuntansi Perpajakan, (8) Audit, (9) Akuntansi Syariah, (10) Akuntansi Sektor Publik, (11) Akuntansi Keuangan, (12) Akuntansi Manajemen, (13) Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, dan (14) Kewirausahaan.

Rangkaian agenda seminar dan call for paper ini merupakan bentuk ajang ilmiah yang diperuntukkan bagi kalangan akademisi yang melingkupi mahasiswa, tenaga pendidik, dan praktisi untuk menyajikan hasil penelitian ilmiahnya di forum ilmiah ini.